September 2007 - 21 months


Ryan is 21 months old! He is such a blast right now. He is talking up a storm. He repeats everything we say and can finally communicate with us without having to point and grunt. He still loves being outside and often asks to go to the pool right when he wakes up in the morning. He has learned to say "again" when Daddy gives him a good ride. He still loves to take baths although now he likes to belly flop into the bath tub. Ryan has a mind of his own now and voices it freely. He currently enjoys taking his shoes on and off and trying on other peoples' shoes (which is a blast when trying to get out the door - he'll have his shoes off and my shoes on within 30 seconds). Ryan loves cars or anything with wheels and he loves playing outside in his red, toy car. He is exhausting to keep up with but a lot of fun.
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