August 13, 2008 - 1 week old!




Payton is 1 week old today. She is the most precious, amazing little thing. She is so tiny we had to go buy premie diapers and premie outfits because all the 0-3 month clothes are huge on her. She has a sweet disposition and really only cries when she is hungry. Ryan is still very gentle and sweet to her and doesn't seem to be jealous of her at all. Tyler doesn't remember Ryan ever being this small and seems a little intimidated by her. He's getting used to what calms Payton which is very different from what Ryan found soothing. I find it hard to let anyone else hold her and want to just snuggle with her all day. She has started smiling in her sleep and making little cooing noises at me. I never could have believed that I would ever love another child the way I love Ryan. God just made my heart grow bigger the day Payton was born. We are so blessed to have two healthy children and to have wonderful friends and family to be a part of their lives!
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